
“Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Malcolm Royal and I have lived in Chiseldon for over twenty years. 

I have been interested in birds for many years but have only been birding in the proper sense since 2008. I still class myself as a casual birder with a lot to learn. I have grandly titled this blog as wiltshirebirder but I know that I am only a minnow in the pool of fine birders of this county. So please forgive my delusions of grandeur.

There never seems to be enough time to fit everything I want to get done into the time available which I suppose is the same for many of us. So why I am trying to do a blog as well I don’t know. Anyway I hope that some of you will find this window on my birding exploits of interest.

The intention is to add more content on local sites and birding as I get the chance so keep checking in to see how I get on. Any comments or feedback (good would be great but bad is fine) will be gratefully received.

Wiltshire is a great county for may things, unfortunately though not for easy birdwatching! Don’t get me wrong here because actually the birdwatching is very enjoyable but generally you need to work hard for the birds. We are very lucky in being good for some national rarities such as Montagu’s and Hen Harrier, Stone Curlew and Smew.  Downland birds such as Corn Bunting, Yellowhammer and Tree Sparrow are a joy but big totals are hard to get and birds such as waders always take some finding.

Please comment online or mail me at malc2394@hotmail.com.

7 responses to “About

  1. Enjoy your birding etc forays but doubt the wisdom of mentioning really rare birds such as Montagu’s Harrier.
    Port Meadow has summer – flooded more than usual in recent years although flooding at this time of year has always been spasmodic and generally is not a summer flood site, giving the plant the dry time it requires to complete its life cycle.

    • Hi Barry,

      Thank you for your comment. The Harrier is mentioned in Wiltshire Birds as a bird that is sometimes seen in Wiltshire so this information is already in the public domain.
      Let’s hope middle ground can be found between birds and rare plants.

  2. john jameson-davis

    Dear Malcolm,

    I googled ‘white owls’ and found your blog. I don’t know much about birds but I thoroughly enjoy watching them.

    I live in Seend and yesterday afternoon (at about 4.50) I saw what looked like a white owl swooping along to sit in a tree in a field behind the canal. I am wondering if it really was a white owl as I have never seen one before and I was a couple of hundred yards or so away. It wasn’t a huge bird but it flew like an owl with a careful, gliding motion and alighted in the tree with alacrity. It’s profile showed a flattish face.

    What do you reckon?

    Best wishes,

    • Hello John,
      Thank you for your mail. I can remember a time when I could say “I don’t know much about birds but I thoroughly enjoy watching them” and look where that has taken me.
      It is most likely that the bird you saw was a Barn Owl. ALthough not completely white they are very pale. The time, location and your description of the flight also suggests Barn Owl.
      I am sure that if you keep a good look out you will see it again. Barn Owl is one of my favourite birds and I never tire of seeing them.

  3. Hi Malcom
    I am a producer at BBC Wiltshire radio. I was hoping to get in touch with you about your love of birds.
    Many thanks

  4. Spotted a hen harrier today 24 10 18 near the old bustard inn

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